Ramsay Street Girls

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Libby, Flick, Steph, Tess, Dione, Michelle, Anne, Amy.
Kym, Holly, Carla, Krista, Madeline, Katie, Brooke, Jacinta.

Libby Kennedy
Played by Kym Valentine.
Engaged to Drew Kirk.
Felicity (Flick) Scully
Played by Holly Valance.
Dating Joel Samuels.
Steph Scully
Played by Carla Bonner.
Used to be in love with Drew Kirk.
Tess Bell
Played by Krista Vendy.
Tess teaches at Erinsborough High.
Dione Bliss
Played by Madeline West.
Used to date Joel Samuels.
Michelle Scully
Played by Katie Keltie.
The youngest of the Scully girls.
Anne Wilkinson and Amy Greenwood.
Played by Brooke Satchwell and Jacinta Stapleton.
Anne left to be with Bill. Amy left to marry the man of her unborn baby.